[Zope3-Users] Re: [Zope] z3c.form 1.3.0, z3c.formui

George Wright georgewr at bigpond.net.au
Mon Jun 25 17:15:37 EDT 2007

The first version of formdemo went without problems.
This is the second attempt to get the new formdemo to go.
Now it reports errors and is demanding 'schemaless' ?
Any help appreciated.

$ ./bin/buildout
Develop: '/Users/georgewright/formdemo/.'
Getting distribution for 'zc.zope3recipes'.
Got zc.zope3recipes 0.5.2.
Getting distribution for 'ZConfig>=2.4a5'.
Got ZConfig 2.4a6.
   Getting section demo.
   Initializing section demo.
   Loading zc.buildout recipe entry zc.zope3recipes:instance.

An internal error occured due to a bug in either zc.buildout or in a
recipe being used:

No module named schemaless

> svn co svn://svn.zope.org/repos/main/z3c.formdemo/trunk formdemo

George Wright

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