[Zope3-Users] Getting values of catalog index in a given "context" ?

Thierry Florac thierry.florac at onf.fr
Wed May 2 12:57:14 EDT 2007


I'm using Zope3 catalog (with it's "zc.catalog" extensions and indexes).
What I'd like is to get a list of indexed values for a given index but
in a given context ; for that, I have :
 - a SetIndex which indexes content's path elements
 - a ValueIndex which indexes the content property that I'm looking for.

The SetIndex allows me to easilly find contents which are located in a
given subpath ; but is there a way to get distinct values of the
ValueIndex for these contents, without iterating over them explicitly
(because contents count can be quite huge !) ?

Thanks for any help,

  Thierry Florac
  Chef de projet intranet/internet
  Office National des Forêts - Département Informatique
  2, Avenue de Saint-Mandé
  75570 PARIS Cedex 12
  Mél : thierry.florac at onf.fr
  Tél. : +33
  Fax. : +33

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