[Zope3-Users] Ch 7, lookup error in getMultiAdapter
Christophe Combelles
ccomb at free.fr
Fri May 4 04:17:27 EDT 2007
The FAQ is here: http://wiki.zope.org/zope3/FAQ
Did you activate the "browser" submodule?
By adding a <include package=".browser"> in the recipe configure.zcml,
and the __init__.py in the browser submodule?
Robert Norman a écrit :
> Working through Web Component Development with Zope 3 Second Edition,
> I'm stuck just at the point it gets more interesting.
> In the interactive debug session looking at a basic view, I get a lookup
> error at...
> view = getMultiAdapter((lasagne, request), name=u'index.html')
> I've confirmed that both lasagne, and request are objects.
> the error reads in part, "line 103 in multiadapter ...
> zope.component.interfaces.ComponentLookupError.. .
> And related to this, when I open the browser to the recipes stored in root
> http://localhost:8080/minestrone
> as the example shows, I get "The page that your are trying to access is
> not available", even though ministrone is in the root and shows up in
> the ZMI
> I need help getting further in my studies. If there is a FAQ or archive
> if this list please let me know where it is.
> (The configuration files and relevant py files are included)
> Robert
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> from zope.publisher.browser import BrowserPage
> class ViewRecipe(BrowserPage):
> def __call__(self):
> response = self.request.response
> response.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain')
> return self.context.name
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> from persistent import Persistent
> from zope.interface import implements
> from worldcookery.interfaces import IRecipe
> class Recipe(Persistent):
> implements(IRecipe)
> name = u''
> ingredients = []
> tools = []
> time_to_cook = 0
> description = u''
> from zope.component.factory import Factory
> recipeFactory = Factory(
> Recipe,
> title=u"Create a new recipe",
> description = u"This factory instantiates new recipes."
> )
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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