[Zope3-Users] z3c.form 1.0.0 released!

Darryl Cousins darryl at darrylcousins.net.nz
Mon May 28 01:55:49 EDT 2007

Hi Vinny,

On Sun, 2007-05-27 at 18:55 -0400, Vinny wrote:
> > For the curious and impatient ...
> > ---------------------------------
> > 
> > To run the demos do the following::
> > 
> >   $ svn co svn://svn.zope.org/repos/main/z3c.formdemo/trunk formdemo
> >   $ cd formdemo
> >   $ python bootstrap.py
> >   $ ./bin/buildout
> >   $ ./bin/demo fg
> > 
> I did try the above, but it complained about needing a
> newer setuptools than I had.  No big deal, I can update
> that easily enough.
> Before I go further though, does the above command set
> install a full version of zope and if so, what version?
> Do I need 3.4.0a1 to run this demo or can I use 3.3.0
> or 3.3.1?  I'm running 3.3.0 but can upgrade to 3.3.1. 

Some tips with buildout that work for me.

Create ~/.buildout/default.cfg::

develop-eggs-directory=/path/to/develop-eggs #optional

Of course choose your own egg directories. Then run the buildout as in
original post. This will take an awfully long time. The next time you
install another zope 3 app from buildout, it will use the same eggs

./bin/buildout -N

The -N means that it won't look for newer eggs if the local egg
satisfies requirements. And it will take no time at all.

As to the version - I have no idea how that works with the egg
distribution of separate packages.

Hope this helps.


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