[Zope3-dev] Re: [Zope3-Users] z3c.form 1.0.0 released!
Hermann Himmelbauer
dusty at qwer.tk
Thu May 31 03:48:05 EDT 2007
Am Donnerstag, 31. Mai 2007 08:09 schrieb Maciej Wisniowski:
> >> It would be very interesting to see RDBMS interaction. Formlib for
> >> example is not trivial to use with RDBMS especially because of a lack
> >> of documentation and because everything seems to be written with ZODB
> >> objects in mind.
> >
> > It works together with a mapper like SQLAlchemy (and z3c.zalchemy).
> >
> > IMHO, it is not formlib's task to do mappings like that.
> Not sure what mappings you're talking about. I just want to
> know how can I get some data from somewhere (it may be a
> file, RDBMS or other external source) and display it in a form,
> then edit this data etc. Formlib default forms (EditForm, AddForm)
> assume that it works with content objects and I just want to call
> SQLScript to get data for my form and to commit it back to RDBMS.
> Not so difficult but there are no docs and no demos for this with
> formlib. Thats why I'd like to know how to do such things
> with z3c.form.
I also still struggle with this issue. In my case, I have the following
- Some ORM-object attributes directly map to fields, but these attributes may
be in referenced ORM-objects
- Sometimes I want to map the first referenced ORM-object (which is
represented as the first list entry) to a field.
However, any field which is displayed is somewhere already described as an
interface schema field for an ORM object, which I of course want to reuse.
Moreover I want to write minimal HTML-code as possible, but auto-generating
fields does not work for me.
I currently try to solve these issues with a self-made Form class, which
descends from form.Form. In case you are interested, here is my docstring
which somehow explains the basic idea:
---------------- snip ---------------------
""" A generic form class for rendering forms based on object data
The class has the following key attributes:
- widget_template_files: A sequence of widget template files that can be
in widgets to display a form field in a specific way
- schema_fields:
- template: Same as the template attribute in form.Form, this specifies
the template
that should be used for rendering the page
- schema_fields: a sequence of schema fields that can be copied from
interfaces via
the function "cloneField", e.g. cloneField(IFoo['bar']).
When schema fields are created via the cloneField function, additional
attributes can
be set on the fields. The programmer has to make sure, that the names of
the schema
fields are distinct, hence in case schema fields have the same name, the
__name__ attribute
has to be set to a distinct name.
Default values for fields can be automatically fetched and updated. How
the mapping between
the form fields and the data object is implemented, can either implicitly
or explicitly
1) Explicit declaration:
- If the schema field has the attribute "obj_attr", the specified
attribute is used
for reading/updating data. If the attribute does not exist, an error is
- If the schema field has the attribute "obj_getter" or/and "obj_setter",
the data
object is queried for a matching method, which are used for
getting/setting values.
2) Implicit declaration:
- If data object has methods beginning with "set_" and/or "get_" and match
"__name__" attribute of the schema field, these methods are
automatically used
for getting/setting values.
The precedence is as follows:
1) explicit getter/setter
2) implicit getter/setter
3) obj_attr
------------------ snip -------------------
An example would look like this (cloneField does basically only a
copy.deepcopy of the interface):
------------------- snip -------------------
schema_fields = (
cloneField(IFp['name1'], obj_attr = 'fp.name1'),
cloneField(IFp['name2'], obj_attr = 'fp.name2'),
cloneField(IFp['titel'], obj_attr = 'fp.titel'))
template = ViewPageTemplateFile('fpform.pt')
widget_template_files = ('widget_div.pt', 'widget_span.pt')
----------------- snip ---------------------
"widget_div.pt" has the common Zope3-HTML form code like this:
----------------- snip -----------------
<tal:block tal:define="widget python: options.get('widget', None)">
<div class="label">
<label for="field.name" title="The widget's hint"
tal:attributes="for widget; title widget/hint"
<div tal:condition="widget/error"
tal:content="structure widget/error">Error</div>
<div class="field">
<input tal:replace="structure widget" />
------------- snip ---------------------
And "fpform.pt" is then very tidy:
------------ snip ----------------
<div tal:replace="structure view/widgets/name1/template_widget_div" />
<div tal:replace="structure view/widgets/name2/template_widget_div" />
<div tal:replace="structure view/widgets/titel/template_widget_div" />
------------ snip -----------------
My class has still various limitations, however, maybe Stephan Richters new
form class offers some solutions but I until now I could not find time to
have a look at it.
Anyway, in my case a decent ORM-integration with Zope3 forms is still a key
issue to me.
Best Regards,
x1 at aon.at
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