[Zope3-Users] Re: lack of security declaration: bug or feature?

Thierry Florac thierry.florac at onf.fr
Mon Nov 5 07:10:20 EST 2007

Le lundi 05 novembre 2007 à 12:35 +0100, Lorenzo Gil Sanchez a écrit :
> Oh, that's true indeed. It's a shame IOrderedContainer is defined as
> inheriting from IContainer because I can't declare a permission for the
> updateOrder method in an independent way. Something like: I want Public
> permission for reading an ordered folder and I want ManageContent
> permission for writing *and* changing the folder order.

I've done this configuration, which seems OK for me until now :

<class class=".MyOrderedContainer">
        interface="zope.annotation.interfaces.IAttributeAnnotatable" />
        permission="zope.View" />
        permission="zope.ManageContent" />

  Thierry Florac
  Chef de projet intranet/internet
  Office National des Forêts - Département Informatique
  2, Avenue de Saint-Mandé
  75570 PARIS Cedex 12
  Mél : thierry.florac at onf.fr
  Tél. : +33
  Fax. : +33

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