AW: [Zope3-Users] Trusted traversers in z3c.layer: security concerns

Markus Kemmerling markus.kemmerling at
Tue Sep 11 14:07:05 EDT 2007

Hi Roger,

thank you for the quick reply.

Am 11.09.2007 um 17:47 schrieb Roger Ineichen:


> Stephan and I hade a couple of discussions about to write
> a introspection test framework which shows us what can get
> accessed and what not, based on the configure.zcml directives
> registered all over the project.
> Probably we can take another look at this and write some
> minimal hacker tool wich tries to hack a running server
> by trying acessing all views and adapters etc.

We are definitely interested in such a tool and I would be glad to  
spend some time on this at the sprint.

> Such a tool should also be able to generate a PDF report
> showing the security settings. But that's another story...

... but the easier one, considering tools like RML and z3c.rml at  
hand ;-)


Markus Kemmerling

Medical University Vienna
Core Unit for Medical Education
P.O. Box 10  A-1097 Vienna
phone: +43-1-40 160-36 863  fax: +43-1-40 160-93 65 00

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