[Zope3-Users] Moving from z3 tarball to z3 buildout/eggs

Derek Richardson derek.richardson at gatech.edu
Wed Sep 12 17:06:27 EDT 2007

I developed my Vice outbound syndication library on z3.3 (originally) 
using the full tarball of z3.3. I now want to move to a buildout-based, 
eggified method of developing and testing Vice.

I use functional tests (using zope.testbrowser.testing.Browser) in Vice. 
These functional tests log into the zmi, create some folders and files, 
syndicate them, read the resulting feed, and verify that it is correct.

The problem is that I don't know how much of zope.app these tests depend 
on. Very few eggs are actually required by imports in Vice. But the 
library is not much use (and there's not much to test) without a pretty 
thorough install, I suspect. Should I be attempting to grab all the zope 
eggs and making a replica of the full install? Or should I be trying to 
judiciously minimize the eggs that I use for testing? And what is the 
best way to go about whichever of these paths I should follow?

I *really* like the buildout approach. It would just be even nicer if I 
knew of some way to have buildout replicate the entire Zope app server 
ecosystem for testing without having to specify the eggs one ... by ... one.



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