[Zope3-Users] Re: z3c.formdemo fails upon ./bin/buildout

Philipp von Weitershausen philipp at weitershausen.de
Sat Sep 15 10:51:38 EDT 2007

Stephan Richter wrote:
> On Wednesday 12 September 2007 16:27, Fernando Correa Neto wrote:
>> I think there was a mistake in the last version of z3c.form demo. (trunk)
>> After running ./bin/buildout, it fails due to a develop = . z3c.form
>> in buildout.cfg. I think z3c.form was supposed to be pulled from svn
>> with a svn:externals set to z3c.form in the z3c.formdemo directory.
>> Checking out z3c.form inside z3c.formdemo seems to solve the problem.
> You probably used the trunk version. Since the trunk version depends on 
> unreleased packages, I list them as develop eggs. My typical folder layout 
> looks as follows:
> zope/
>   packages/
>     z3c.form/
>     z3c.formui/
>     z3c.formdemo/
>       z3c.form (symlink to version above)
>       z3c.formui (symlink to version above)
>       ...
>    ...

The whole idea of buildout is, however, its repeatability. Just because 
you have a special way of setting up your sandboxes doesn't mean that 
others do it that way, too. In fact, the whole point of buildout is that 
everybody has the same, *self-contained* sandbox that you can set up 
with one command.

Not to mention that Windows users would be out of luck with the symlink 

I suggest svn:externals or ripping it out of the develop= line, 
depending on whether z3c.formdemo needs cutting edge z3c.form{ui} or not.

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