[Zope3-Users] asynchronous events in Zope3 (was: crossbar switch for event)

Markus Leist ml_zope3_dev at ikom-online.de
Mon Sep 17 05:42:26 EDT 2007

Hi all,

so let's be more concrete:

here is a first temporary freehand sketch of the 'event crossbar switch':

even more concrete for Obj1 and Obj3:
Obj1 should be an UPS.
the signal shoul be 'battery empty/shutdown now'
Obj3 should be a server.

The user can configure an additional short connect between Obj1 and Obj4. This
will shutdown Obj4 (e.g. another server) on next 'battery emplty'-event, too.

I'm working on this within the next few days - anybody additional ideas or 'wishes'?


e.g. an early definition of Obj1 will be: 

Am Dienstag 19 Juni 2007 um 23:30 Uhr schrieb Stephan Richter <srichter at cosmos.phy.tufts.edu>:
> On Monday 18 June 2007 18:30, Markus Leist wrote:
> > When the registration of an event between the objects and
> > the utility is bidirectional, this utility is some kind of
> > "event crossbar switch" like
> >
> > obj 1           <->             <->             0
> > obj 2           0               0               <->
> > obj 3           0               <->             0
> >                 obj a           obj b           obj c
> >
> > which _dynamically_ can be configured through the web.
> > (some other aspects are routing, metric/priority, detection
> > of event cycle ...)
> >
> > Is there some piece of code? Any ideas?
> I really have no idea what you are talking about. You have not defined obj 1, 
> obj 2, obj 3. Also, what does "<->" mean?
> I think a very concrete example would be best.

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