[Zope3-Users] Re: Prevent an event

Philipp von Weitershausen philipp at weitershausen.de
Mon Sep 17 13:45:16 EDT 2007

Kevin Smith wrote:
> Thanks for your reply, I'm having scaling issues and want to be in 
> control of the indexing process. I have a large number of documents 
> already in the system.
> I believe the best case for me in the short run is to prevent the 
> initial indexing on catalog creation and if understand it correctly, 
> recursively touching all of my objects.

Just to be clear: As far as I remember, nothing happens on catalog 
creation. Stuff happens on *index* creation. When you add an index to a 
catalog that is already aware of objects, it will make sure that the 
newly added catalog is up to date by forcing an indexing procedure. And 
yes, this will wake up all the objects in your catalog (which isn't a 
recursive process, nor does it mean "touch"ing in the sense of 

Unfortuantely, there isn't a way to prevent the execution of a selected 
event subscriber (which is probably what you want; you don't want to 
prevent the event as a whole).

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