[Zope3-Users] Problem with z3c.form security when rendering error

Michael Kerrin michael.kerrin at openapp.ie
Thu Sep 20 15:27:25 EDT 2007

Hi Yuan,

I think I am having the same problem, as in all the errors look the same. I 
have just committed a fix for my problem so hopefully it is the same problem.

I did like you said added the widget to the interface and declared that all 
the widgets require the zope.Public permission to access the attribute.


On Thursday 20 September 2007 17:17:05 Yuan HOng wrote:
> HI, list:
> I am new to z3c.form. In my first AddForm, I encountered the following
> problem:
> When the form is submitted which contains some input error, like
> missing required fields, the rendering of the error message causes an
> system error. The traceback:
> ...
>   File
> "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/zope.app.pagetemplate-3.4.0b1dev_r75616-p
>y2.5.egg/zope/app/pagetemplate/engine.py", line 68, in __call__
>     request=request)
>   File
> "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/zope.traversing-3.5.0a1.dev_r78730-py2.5.
>egg/zope/traversing/adapters.py", line 164, in traversePathElement
>     return traversable.traverse(nm, further_path)
>    - __traceback_info__: (<ErrorViewSnippet for RequiredMissing>, 'widget')
>   File
> "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/zope.traversing-3.5.0a1.dev_r78730-py2.5.
>egg/zope/traversing/adapters.py", line 52, in traverse
>     raise TraversalError(subject, name)
>    - __traceback_info__: (<ErrorViewSnippet for RequiredMissing>, 'widget',
> []) TraversalError: (<ErrorViewSnippet for RequiredMissing>, 'widget')
> After a little debugging, I was able to find that the chain leading to
> the error is as follows:
> 1. div-form.pt in the z3c.formui package contains the following error
> presentation:
>   <li tal:repeat="error view/widgets/errors">
>     <tal:block condition="error/widget">
>       <span tal:replace="error/widget/label" />:
>     </tal:block>
>     <span tal:replace="structure error/render">Error Type</span>
>   </li>
> error/widget is accessed here, with error being an ErrorViewSnippet object.
> 2. The ErrorViewSnipped is created in field.py using:
>   view = zope.component.getMultiAdapter(
>       (error, self.request, widget, widget.field,
>        self.form, self.content), interfaces.IErrorViewSnippet)
> As in my application, self.content is a custom ISite folder, which is
> security proxied, the getMultiAdapter method returns a security
> proxied ErrorViewSnippet object.
> 3. Access to ErrorViewSnippet is defined in z3c.form/configure.zcml as:
>   <adapter
>       factory=".error.ErrorViewSnippet"
>       trusted="True"
>       permission="zope.Public"
>       />
> The IErrorViewSnippet interface contains only 3 attributes: error,
> update, render. Those are accessible to everyone. But there is no
> security declaration for the 'widget' attribute, so access to it is
> denied:
> (Pdb) snippet
> <ErrorViewSnippet for RequiredMissing>
> (Pdb) type(snippet)
> <type 'zope.security._proxy._Proxy'>
> (Pdb) from zope.security.proxy import getChecker
> (Pdb) getChecker(snippet).get_permissions
> {'update': Global(CheckerPublic,zope.security.checker), 'render':
> Global(CheckerPublic,zope.security.checker), 'error':
> Global(CheckerPublic,zope.security.checker)}
> (Pdb) from zope.security import canAccess
> (Pdb) canAccess(snippet, 'widget')
> *** ForbiddenAttribute: ('widget', <ErrorViewSnippet for RequiredMissing>)
> So it seems the default z3c.form security declaration only allows
> access to 'update', 'error' and 'render' attributes of an
> ErrorViewSnippet object. I tried to work this around the by adding the
> 'widget' attribute to the IErrorViewSnippet interface and the system
> error is no longer raised. However, this time, another exception is
> raised saying the 'label' property of the widget is not accessible.
> How can I setup my security properly to use z3c.form smoothly?
> Shouldn't 'widget'  not be in IErrorViewSnippet since it is evidently
> externally used in the rendering template?
> Thanks for suggestions.

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