[Zope3-Users] Pure python packages for zope.component and
Darryl Cousins
darryl at darrylcousins.net.nz
Sat Apr 19 05:06:14 EDT 2008
[Incorrect `from` header in initial]
> Hello Darryl,
> I think zope.interface will work without the C stuff, those are just
> optimizations. Actually it should work with jython already.
> zope.proxy might not be so simple to get working without C.
Thanks. You are right. Silly of me not to try one or the other. If I omit
`import zope.component`, `import zope.interface` works without error.
Otherwise with zope.component:
line 20, in <module>
from zope.proxy._zope_proxy_proxy import *
ImportError: No module named _zope_proxy_proxy
> (Hopefully) there will be some GSoC projects that will bring
> the subject and your problem forward:
> - Porting zope 3 to jython:
> http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/zope/dev/213430
> - Zope without ZODB
> Saturday, April 19, 2008, 1:43:19 AM, you wrote:
> DC> Hi,
> DC> "The ZCA framework is developed as part of the Zope 3 project. As
> noted
> DC> earlier, it is a pure Python framework, so it can be used in any kind
> of
> DC> Python application." [1]
> DC> I was hoping to try using ZCA for a googleappengine experiment. Using
> DC> Ian Bickings post [2] I set up a environment to install zca packages.
> DC> zope.interface and zope.proxy both have .so files that aren't usable
> in
> DC> a gae project. (_zope_interface_coptimizations.so and
> DC> _zope_proxy_proxy.so).
>>>From the quote above and other mentions on the web I gather that there
> DC> exist pure-python ZCA packages. Could someone point me to where to
> find
> DC> them?
> DC> Best regards,
> DC> Darryl
> DC> [1] http://www.muthukadan.net/docs/zca.html
> DC> [2] http://blog.ianbicking.org/2008/04/13/app-engine-and-pylons/
> --
> Best regards,
> Adam GROSZER mailto:agroszer at gmail.com
> --
> Quote of the day:
> Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain - and most fools do.
> - Dale Carnegie
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