[Zope3-Users] Pure python packages for zope.component and zope.interface

Jim Fulton jim at zope.com
Sat Apr 19 09:30:13 EDT 2008

Here's a high-level response to this thread.

As others have pointed out, zope.component and zope.interface should  
work fine without  the C optimizations and I'm in favor of changing  
the setup to make them installable without the optimizations.

zope.proxy is harder. :(  What's especially sad is that the dependency  
on it is rather unimportant.  It is used by zope.deferredimport.  I  
was forced to use proxies because of annoying limitations in Python's  
module implementation and the inspect module's assumption that a  
module is not a module unless it subclasses the standard Python module  
type.  I expect though that a simpler proxy implementation could be  
used by deferredimport.  This would make zope.component depend on  
zope.proxy only if the annoying zcml is used.

I'd love to see both of the above fixed, but, sadly, don't have time  
to fix them myself any time soon.


On Apr 18, 2008, at 7:43 PM, Darryl Cousins wrote:
> Hi,
> "The ZCA framework is developed as part of the Zope 3 project. As  
> noted
> earlier, it is a pure Python framework, so it can be used in any  
> kind of
> Python application." [1]
> I was hoping to try using ZCA for a googleappengine experiment. Using
> Ian Bickings post [2] I set up a environment to install zca packages.
> zope.interface and zope.proxy both have .so files that aren't usable  
> in
> a gae project. (_zope_interface_coptimizations.so and
> _zope_proxy_proxy.so).
>> From the quote above and other mentions on the web I gather that  
>> there
> exist pure-python ZCA packages. Could someone point me to where to  
> find
> them?
> Best regards,
> Darryl
> [1] http://www.muthukadan.net/docs/zca.html
> [2] http://blog.ianbicking.org/2008/04/13/app-engine-and-pylons/
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Jim Fulton
Zope Corporation

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