[Zope3-Users] eggsplosion again

Christophe Combelles ccomb at free.fr
Sun Feb 10 08:04:43 EST 2008

Stephan Richter a écrit :
> On Friday 08 February 2008, Hermann Himmelbauer wrote:
>> Right, that seems to be a perfect solution. Btw., it seems that there are
>> quite some generic widget/field-patterns that a lot of people are needing -
>> such as the PasswordConfirmationWidget. Or, in my case I need a
>> special "Email" field, that inherits from TextLine and may also have some
>> specific widget.
> Why would you need a special widget for E-mail? You need a special field and 
> maybe a special validator, if your field does not provide a sufficient 
> validate() method.

Actually for all these generic patterns, it would be nice to have some 
ready-to-use schema fields such as IEmailTextLine, for which a specific set of 
converter/validator/widget is already registered.

(Searching while writing, I just found at least zw.schema (color field), 
ks.schema, and others hidden in specific packages like z3c.currency)

But I fear that in a near future we will need to start any interfaces.py with :
import zope.schema
import foo.schema
import bar.schema
import mycoolnamespace.schema

And any browser.py with the same million of imports. In the worst case there 
will be one package/egg per widget. It may be more and more difficult in the 
future to find in which package is located a specific feature.

I see that there are different ways to split features into eggs. This can be 
done by separating widget / widgets with javascript / schema fields / templates 
/ converter / validators,  or by separating by features : for example, 
z3c.currency is dedicated to currency support and includes both the field and 
the converter (but no widget).

When I first discovered and installed z3c.form, it took me a while to understand 
why I (optionnally) had to install z3c.formui (is there no 'ui' in z3c.form ?), 
and why there was another package with javascript (formjs), and now there will 
be a package with widgets (formwidget, so why are there widgets in z3c.form?).

This is not a complaint, this is not specific to z3c.form, and I don't have a 
real proposal, but I'm just wondering how this will evolve, and how newcomers 
will deal with this eggsplosion.


>> So I'd suggest to open some repository, e.g. "z3c.formwidgets" where people
>> can contribute their fields/widgets so that they can be reused by others.
>> Moreover, this would also be a good entry point for people developing new
>> widgets.
> +1. Let's call it "z3c.formwidget" (singular).
> Regards,
> Stephan

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