[Zope3-Users] Re: how to model a 1-to-1 relation

Jürgen Kartnaller juergen at kartnaller.at
Fri Jan 11 14:43:52 EST 2008

Christophe Combelles wrote:
> Jürgen Kartnaller a écrit :
>> john saponara wrote:
>>> I want to allow the user to create car and driver objects in a 
>>> limoService container.  Car objects will stand alone, but each driver 
>>> object should contain a car object by reference (not by value) and 
>>> the driver add form should allow the user to choose which car the new 
>>> driver object will have.  Should IDriver's car attribute be a 
>>> schema.Object or a schema.Choice?
>> Have a look at the package zc.relation and for a simple use of 
>> zc.relation use lovely.relation which provides relation properties for 
>> your objects.
> What is zc.relation compared to zc.relationship?

Of course I meant zc.relationship

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