[Zope3-Users] Re: [Zope3-dev] z3c.form 1.0.0 released!

Christophe Combelles ccomb at free.fr
Wed Jan 23 07:02:04 EST 2008

john saponara a écrit :
> In order to try z3c.form under windows (winxpprosp2), I tried Stephan's 
> instructions below but got an error during the buildout step:
>   ImportError:
>   No module named schemaless
> (Complete command sequence and error message is attached.)  I deviated 
> from the instructions in only two ways: 1. I used tortoiseSvn for the 
> checkout, and 2. I entered the command line steps at the dos prompt (not 
> at a bash prompt as the '$' prompts seem to suggest).  Can someone 
> suggest a fix?

You probably have to upgrade ZConfig (via easy_install for ex.)


> Thanks,
> John
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