[Zope3-Users] Help: I cannot login after installing z3c.formjs

kevin gill kevin at movieextras.ie
Thu Jul 17 13:20:51 EDT 2008

Thanks for the analysis. I did some digging and found that it was entirely
my own fault. I have some code in the SessionCredentials object which
stores the request annotations. I do this to handle extra information on
the login form, e.g. login groups.

> Hmm, I've never gotten an error like that.  It probably wouldn't be
> too difficult to patch jsclientevent.py by making sure caught events
> have security proxies removed before they are stored.  But I wonder
> why any request related data is being stored in the database.  My
> understanding is that session data gets stored in the database but is
> totally separate from the request.  A cookie (stored in the request)
> is used to lookup the session data from the database.  My gut instinct
> is that there is something wrong with the credentials plugin you are
> using because request annotations should never be persisted across
> multiple requests.  I am using SessionCredentials myself without any
> problems.  Can you find the code path that tries to store the request
> annotation?
> From a z3c.formjs perspective, if you want the caught events to not be
> security proxied, you could create another object event listener (like
> the one in z3c/formjs/jsclientevent.py) that goes through the caught
> events and removes security proxies.  In the end this is a fragile
> solution because you can't guarantee the order in which events are
> handled, and unfortunately the way the zcml configuration is split up
> (not at all), it would be difficult to override this default event
> handler using an exclude directive.
> I'm currently making some improvements to z3c.formjs and will make
> sure to split up the zcml files more so doing such a customization is
> easier.  There should be new releases of z3c.form and z3c.formjs in
> the next couple of weeks with these changes.

I will be interested in seeing where you are going with formjs. I am
really using it to get the AjaxRequestHandler at the moment.



> - Paul
> On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 7:51 AM, kevin gill <kevin at movieextras.ie> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am integrating z3c.formjs to a new site. After installing z3c.formjs I
>> can no longer login. If I remove it, I can login again.
>> It causes a problem with the SessionCredentials mechanism that I am
>> using.
>> The SessionCredentials annotations now contains event handlers of type
>> z3c.formjs.jsclientevent.caughtEvents. These cannot be pickled.
>> I tried both the PersisentSessionDataContainer and the RamSessionData
>> Container.
>> Does anyone have suggestions on how I might proceed with this?
>> Thanks,
>> Kevin
>> This is the tail of the exception
>> 2008-07-15T15:31:38 ERROR SiteError     rm.commit(self)
>> ------
>> 2008-07-15T15:31:38 ERROR SiteError   File
>> "/opt/zope3-eggs/ZODB3-3.9.0_dev_r77011-py2.4-linux-i686.egg/ZODB/Connection.py",
>> line 541, in commit
>> ------
>> 2008-07-15T15:31:38 ERROR SiteError     self._commit(transaction)
>> ------
>> 2008-07-15T15:31:38 ERROR SiteError   File
>> "/opt/zope3-eggs/ZODB3-3.9.0_dev_r77011-py2.4-linux-i686.egg/ZODB/Connection.py",
>> line 586, in _commit
>> ------
>> 2008-07-15T15:31:38 ERROR SiteError
>> self._store_objects(ObjectWriter(obj), transaction)
>> ------
>> 2008-07-15T15:31:38 ERROR SiteError   File
>> "/opt/zope3-eggs/ZODB3-3.9.0_dev_r77011-py2.4-linux-i686.egg/ZODB/Connection.py",
>> line 613, in _store_objects
>> ------
>> 2008-07-15T15:31:38 ERROR SiteError     p = writer.serialize(obj)  #
>> This
>> calls __getstate__ of obj
>> ------
>> 2008-07-15T15:31:38 ERROR SiteError   File
>> "/opt/zope3-eggs/ZODB3-3.9.0_dev_r77011-py2.4-linux-i686.egg/ZODB/serialize.py",
>> line 408, in serialize
>> ------
>> 2008-07-15T15:31:38 ERROR SiteError     return self._dump(meta,
>> obj.__getstate__())
>> ------
>> 2008-07-15T15:31:38 ERROR SiteError   File
>> "/opt/zope3-eggs/ZODB3-3.9.0_dev_r77011-py2.4-linux-i686.egg/ZODB/serialize.py",
>> line 420, in _dump
>> ------
>> 2008-07-15T15:31:38 ERROR SiteError     self._p.dump(state)
>> I investigated the offending object, and it is the SessionCredentials.
>> After adding the ajax handlers, the SessionCredentials object is no
>> longer
>> pickleable.
>> (pdb) state=obj.__getstate__()
>> (Pdb) cPickle.dumps(state)
>> *** UnpickleableError: Cannot pickle <type
>> 'zope.security._proxy._Proxy'>
>> objects
>> (Pdb) state
>> (((('credentials', <zope.app.authentication.session.SessionCredentials
>> object at 0xafea8fcc>),),),)
>> (Pdb) credentials=state[0][0][0][1]
>> (Pdb) credentials.request_annotations
>> {'zope.app.publisher.browser.IUserPreferredLanguages': {'cached':
>> ['en-gb', 'en']}, 'z3c.formjs.jsclientevent.caughtEvents':
>> [<zope.app.publication.interfaces.BeforeTraverseEvent object at
>> 0xafea8e4c>, <zope.app.publication.interfaces.BeforeTraverseEvent object
>> at 0xafea8dac>, <zope.app.publication.interfaces.BeforeTraverseEvent
>> object at 0xafea8dcc>,
>> <zope.contentprovider.interfaces.BeforeUpdateEvent
>> object at 0xafeb1b4c>,
>> <zope.contentprovider.interfaces.BeforeUpdateEvent
>> object at 0xafeb1dac>,
>> <zope.contentprovider.interfaces.BeforeUpdateEvent
>> object at 0xafeb1d2c>,
>> <zope.contentprovider.interfaces.BeforeUpdateEvent
>> object at 0xafeb1c6c>,
>> <zope.contentprovider.interfaces.BeforeUpdateEvent
>> object at 0xafeb1ccc>,
>> <zope.contentprovider.interfaces.BeforeUpdateEvent
>> object at 0xafeb1c8c>,
>> <zope.contentprovider.interfaces.BeforeUpdateEvent
>> object at 0xafeb1bcc>,
>> <zope.contentprovider.interfaces.BeforeUpdateEvent
>> object at 0xafeb322c>,
>> <zope.contentprovider.interfaces.BeforeUpdateEvent
>> object at 0xafeb344c>,
>> <zope.contentprovider.interfaces.BeforeUpdateEvent
>> object at 0xafeb33cc>,
>> <zope.contentprovider.interfaces.BeforeUpdateEvent
>> object at 0xafeb348c>,
>> <zope.contentprovider.interfaces.BeforeUpdateEvent
>> object at 0xafeb354c>,
>> <zope.contentprovider.interfaces.BeforeUpdateEvent
>> object at 0xafeb35ec>,
>> <zope.contentprovider.interfaces.BeforeUpdateEvent
>> object at 0xafeb318c>,
>> <zope.contentprovider.interfaces.BeforeUpdateEvent
>> object at 0xafeb362c>,
>> <zope.contentprovider.interfaces.BeforeUpdateEvent
>> object at 0xafeb1a4c>,
>> <zope.contentprovider.interfaces.BeforeUpdateEvent
>> object at 0xafeb1b6c>,
>> <zope.contentprovider.interfaces.BeforeUpdateEvent
>> object at 0xafeb1f8c>,
>> <zope.contentprovider.interfaces.BeforeUpdateEvent
>> object at 0xafeb190c>,
>> <zope.contentprovider.interfaces.BeforeUpdateEvent
>> object at 0xafeb16ac>,
>> <zope.contentprovider.interfaces.BeforeUpdateEvent
>> object at 0xafeb18cc>,
>> <zope.contentprovider.interfaces.BeforeUpdateEvent
>> object at 0xafeb172c>,
>> <zope.contentprovider.interfaces.BeforeUpdateEvent
>> object at 0xafeb18ac>]}
>> (Pdb)
>> credentials.request_annotations['z3c.formjs.jsclientevent.caughtEvents'][0]
>> <zope.app.publication.interfaces.BeforeTraverseEvent object at
>> 0xafea8e4c>
>> (Pdb)
>> cPickle.dumps(credentials.request_annotations['z3c.formjs.jsclientevent.caughtEvents'][0])
>> *** UnpickleableError: Cannot pickle <type
>> 'zope.security._proxy._Proxy'>
>> objects
>> (Pdb) ev =
>> credentials.request_annotations['z3c.formjs.jsclientevent.caughtEvents'][0]
>> (Pdb) ev.object
>> <zope.app.folder.folder.Folder object at 0xb6034b6c>
>> (Pdb) cPickle.dumps(ev.object)
>> *** UnpickleableError: Cannot pickle <type
>> 'zope.security._proxy._Proxy'>
>> objects
>> (Pdb) cPickle.dumps(ev.request)
>> *** TypeError: a class that defines __slots__ without defining
>> __getstate__ cannot be pickled
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> --
> Paul Carduner
> http://www.carduner.net
> --
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