[Zope3-Users] Re: XML schema definitions, zope.schema and z3c.form

David Pratt fairwinds at eastlink.ca
Sat May 17 11:27:18 EDT 2008

Sorry. I missed your earlier post and have the link to the work. Many 


David Pratt wrote:
> Hi Christian. Can you advise what was the outcome of this at grokkerdam. 
>   Many thanks.
> Regards,
> David
> Christian Klinger wrote:
>> Hi Nylan,
>> we are working during the grokkerdam sprint on the same topic.
>> We used userschema, and ore.alchemist as exampels.
>> I think userschema has some xml thing.
>> Hope this helps,
>> Christian
>> http://agendaless.com/Members/tseaver/software/userschema
>> http://pypi.python.org/simple/ore.alchemist/
>>> Hello,
>>> I need some advice from experienced zope3 developers. ;-)
>>> Use case:
>>> 1. Receive xsd from a server(see example xsd)
>>> 2. use xsd with zope3(add,edit forms with z3c.form)
>>> I've found this solution(supports only simple elements at root level):
>>> http://blogs.nuxeo.com/sections/blogs/julien_anguenot/2005_08_19_xml-schema-support-on 
>>> Are there other solutions, besides the link above, I haven't 
>>> found/noticed?
>>> Something able to manage more complex types?
>>> Any help or advice appreciated!
>>> best regards
>>> Example XSD:
>>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>>> <schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
>>>   targetNamespace="http://schemas.domain.com/SQLSource"
>>>   xmlns:tns="http://schemas.domain.com/SQLSource"
>>>   elementFormDefault="qualified">
>>>   <element name="source" type="tns:sourcetype" />
>>>   <complexType name="sourcetype">
>>>     <sequence>
>>>       <element name="connection">
>>>         <complexType>
>>>           <attribute name="nameref" type="string" />
>>>         </complexType>
>>>       </element>
>>>       <element name="query" type="string" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
>>>       <element name="alias_map">
>>>         <complexType>
>>>           <sequence>
>>>             <element name="alias" minOccurs="0"
>>>               maxOccurs="unbounded">
>>>               <complexType>
>>>                 <simpleContent>
>>>                   <extension base="int">
>>>                     <attribute name="name"
>>>                       type="string" />
>>>                   </extension>
>>>                 </simpleContent>
>>>               </complexType>
>>>             </element>
>>>           </sequence>
>>>         </complexType>
>>>       </element>
>>>     </sequence>
>>>     <attribute name="name" type="string" />
>>>     <attribute name="type" type="string" />
>>>   </complexType>
>>> </schema>
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