[Zope3-Users] Z3ext 1.0 Beta3 Released

Nikolay Kim fafhrd91 at gmail.com
Sun Aug 23 22:32:51 EDT 2009

On Aug 24, 2009, at 5:26 AM, George Wright wrote:
> OK Nikolay
> It worked this time.
> New problem:
> I am unable to satisfy the date format requirement on an edit screen!
> For example I tried to create a new News item.
> I have tried everything I can think of but continue to get this  
> message:
> The datetime string did not match the pattern u'M/d/yy h:mm a'
> Could someone give me an example of a date entry that does work?
> (My location is Australia. Mac OSX 10.5.8)

it never worked for me either :)
but this is standard z3c.form datetime widget and as i remember you  
should use AM/PM
example: 8/1/09 1:00 AM

i usually use js datetime widget. to enable js widget
go to 'System settings -> User interface configuration -> Portal skin'
and enable 'ExtJS Date/Datetime widgets'

On Aug 24, 2009, at 5:33 AM, Tim Cook wrote:
> I have the same problem on Ubuntu.  Besides the fact it is a weird
> datetime format it simply doesn't work with any format.

i agree with you about weird format, i'll use different widget in next  

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