[Zope3-Users] Run starup code with zope 3.
Thierry Florac
thierry.florac at onf.fr
Thu Feb 12 12:04:19 EST 2009
Le jeudi 12 février 2009 à 17:50 +0100, Sebastian Bartos a écrit :
> I'm struggling with some Zope 3 startup code. I registered a user like
> this for the Session Credentials plugin and login form stuff:
> ...
> def create(self, data):
> site = getSite()
> sm = site.getSiteManager()
> if sm.has_key('auth'):
> return "Site is already set up"
> pau = Pluggableauth()
> sm['auth'] = pau
> sm.registerUtility(pau, Iauth)
> users = PrincipalFolder()
> sm['auth']['Users'] = users
> sm.registerUtility(users, IAuthenticatorPlugin, name="Users")
> pau.authenticatorPlugins = (users.__name__, )
> pau.credentialsPlugins = ("No Challenge if Authenticated",
> "Session Credentials")
> user = InternalPrincipal("user", "foo", "user",
> passwordManagerName="SHA1")
> users["user"] = user
> principalPermissionManager.grantAllPermissionsToPrincipal("user")
To run code automatically at application startup, I think that you
should have a look at the IDatabaseOpenedWithRootEvent (defined in
I use this event to check a set of persistent database utilities at
application startup, and it works fine.
Thierry Florac
Chef de projet intranet/internet
Office National des Forêts - Département Informatique
2, Avenue de Saint-Mandé
75570 PARIS Cedex 12
Mél : thierry.florac at onf.fr
Tél. : +33
Fax. : +33
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