[zpkg] SVN: zpkgtools/branches/nathan-setuptools-branch/zpkgtools/app.py Write development dependency information to setup.cfg.

Nathan Yergler nathan at yergler.net
Thu Mar 2 16:17:57 EST 2006

Log message for revision 65746:
  Write development dependency information to setup.cfg.

  U   zpkgtools/branches/nathan-setuptools-branch/zpkgtools/app.py

Modified: zpkgtools/branches/nathan-setuptools-branch/zpkgtools/app.py
--- zpkgtools/branches/nathan-setuptools-branch/zpkgtools/app.py	2006-03-02 21:17:42 UTC (rev 65745)
+++ zpkgtools/branches/nathan-setuptools-branch/zpkgtools/app.py	2006-03-02 21:17:57 UTC (rev 65746)
@@ -527,6 +527,20 @@
         f.write("compile = 1\n")
         # generate .pyo files using "python -O"
         f.write("optimize = 1\n")
+        f.write("\n")
+        # write information for egg creation control
+        f.write("[egg_info]\n")
+        f.write("tag_build = .dev\n")
+        f.write("tag_svn_revision = 1\n")
+        f.write("\n")
+        # XXX write out dependency information for use by develop.py
+        deps = self.get_dependencies()
+        f.write("[development]\n")
+        f.write("depends = %s\n" % " ".join(deps))
+        f.write("\n")
     def write_setup_py(self, filename="setup.py", version=None, pathparts=[],

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