[ZPT] My First Post

Evan Simpson evan@digicool.com
Tue, 3 Apr 2001 23:01:15 -0500

From: <richard@bizarsoftware.com.au>
> ZPT rocks. Had to get that out in the open :)

Thanks! Glad you like it.

> Too Late to be bringing this stuff up?

Probably.  Now that we have a 1.0 release, we're not likely to tweak the
spelling unless there's a great outcry.

>    tal:define="mytitle template/title; tlen python:len(local.mytitle)"

This is a remnant from earlier experiments.  At one point, there were
'global', 'local', and 'var' (combined) variables.  Now there's just
'repeat'.  The example above should really look like this:

tal:define="mytitle template/title; tlen python:len(mytitle)"

> Similarly, METAL creates a 'macros' attribute (again, this is plural
> we have 'local'). I don't believe METAL creates any other attributes.
> attribute is mentioned almost as an aside in the documentation.

Actually, this is an implementation detail of ZPT, not a feature of
METAL.  METAL doesn't really care how macros are exposed and accessed.


Evan @ digicool