[ZPT] Authoring tools and tag-nesting problems

Hamish Lawson hamish_lawson@yahoo.co.uk
Thu, 5 Apr 2001 22:23:29 +0100 (BST)

Hello Guido,

I wrote:

  When I edited this template in Dreamweaver UltraDev ... I found that 
  the resulting HTML was:

   <b tal:content="container/name"><font color="#FF0080">Joe</font></b>

  That is, Dreamweaver applied the <font> tag just to "Joe" and not
  around the bold tags enclosing the text ...

You replied:

  I think there may be no easy answer, but you could try to put the TAL

  attributes on a <span> tag *inside* the <b><font> elements...

Thanks for the suggestion. I don't have Dreamweaver here to try that
out (I'll check it out back at work), but I suspect that even if I were
to do that, subsequent styling of the text may put a tag inside your
<span> tag; as before, this later tag would then be lost when the
template was rendered.

Hamish Lawson

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