[ZPT] Debugging helpers

richard@bizarsoftware.com.au richard@bizarsoftware.com.au
Mon, 09 Apr 2001 10:50:38 +1000

richard@bizarsoftware.com.au wrote:
> In PageTemplate.pr_render, I have:
>     def pt_render(self, source=0, extra_context={}):
>         """Render this Page Template"""
>         if self._v_errors:
>             return self.pt_diagnostic()
>         output = StringIO()
>         c = self.pt_getContext()
>         c.update(extra_context)
>         #__traceback_info__ = c
>         if Globals.DevelopmentMode:
>             __traceback_info__ = pprint.pformat(c)
> again, the traceback info is handy to have, but it's annoying when not
> pretty-formatted.

Oh, and by default, we always comment out the __repr__=__str__ line in
HTTPRequest and BaseRequest. That also reduces the verbosity of exceptions
(and we have no reason to want __repr__ == __str__).


Richard Jones
Senior Software Developer, Bizar Software (www.bizarsoftware.com.au)