[ZPT] dtml-with to ZPT problem
Ron Bickers
Tue, 7 Aug 2001 12:12:02 -0400
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Evan Simpson [mailto:evan@zope.com]
> I don't know the internals of RDFSummary, but if it's using a raw
> PersistentMapping, then that's the problem. PersistentMappings don't
> have any security declarations on them, so they're unusable from
> restricted code (like ZPT, DTML, Scripts). If you are able to use the
> contents of 'channel' from DTML or a Python Script, then I'm barking up
> the wrong tree.
Well, I can't get it to work in a Python Script either, but this most
definitely works in DTML:
<dtml-with channel mapping>
<dtml-var description>
RDFSummary has channel defined as follows:
self.channel = Globals.PersistentMapping(channel), where channel is
initially {}.
What can/should be done with this product to provide the proper access to
channel? This really isn't a ZPT-specific question, but maybe there should
be a way to provide the access that the DTML mapping does above?
Ron Bickers
Logic Etc, Inc.