[ZPT] table loop

Evan Simpson evan@zope.com
Wed, 15 Aug 2001 17:28:12 -0400

Georges J Baladi Jr wrote:
> a folder with 19 images
> a page template that display the images inside a table. I want to put   
> 5 images in a row.

You can't make partial tags with TAL statements, but you can do what you 
want in a totally different way:

## Script (Python) "getGroupsOfN"
##parameters=seq, at_a_time
from ZTUtils import Batch

b = Batch(seq, at_a_time, orphan=0)
batches = [b]
while b.next:
     b = b.next
return batches
# End Script

<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"
  tal:define="images python:here.conteudo.objectValues('Image');
              batches python:here.getGroupsOfN(images, 5)">
   <tr tal:repeat="batch batches">
     <td tal:repeat="thumb batch">
       <img src="/images/papel/campeonato.jpg" width="100"
height="75" tal:replace="structure thumb">

> I think Zope and ZPT are the best solution for web publishing. Itæ„€ an 
> excellent software.


Evan @ Zope