[ZPT] Expand macros when editing

Ron Bickers rbickers-dated-999110743.8f660b@logicetc.com
Wed, 22 Aug 2001 14:45:43 -0400

I understand (I believe) that the purpose of the "Expand macros when
editing" feature is to provide a complete template for when the page is
being edited in an HTML editor.  However, I don't need the whole template to
know what I'm doing on each page, so expanding doesn't buy me anything.  In
fact, it adds a large amount of clutter when I try to modify the pages
through the Web.

I found that I can default this to off by changing 'expand = 0' in the
product, but I have to remember to do this every time I upgrade.  I don't
believe there's a way to "unexpand" (perhaps because it's not possible?), so
I end up having to go back and clean up the expansion if I forget to turn it

This is minor but sufficiently annoying.  Is there something non-hackish I
can do to keep this feature off through upgrades?


Ron Bickers
Logic Etc, Inc.