SV: [ZPT] AttributeError
Leon de Heus
04 Dec 2001 14:02:08 +0100
You are right. I am sorry. I didn't pay enough attention to the exact
exception in the traceback (I know, that might be usefull with an error
;-) ) . Then I agree with you that its a bug. Apparently you can
instantiate a PageTemplate without supplying an id, but the traceback
code expects the id to be there.
Leon de Heus.
Op Tue 04-12-2001, om 13:38 schreef Magnus Heino:
> > What you try to store in the pagetemplate is not valid html. But it
> > allows you to store the source anyway. When you try to render the
> > pagetemplate it will show that error.
> Well, in that case a PTRuntimeError should be raised. This exception reports
> that does not exist.
> > > raise PTRuntimeError, 'Page Template %s has errors.' %
> > > AttributeError: id