[ZPT] Formulator woes...

jules jules@jules.com
Thu, 13 Dec 2001 20:56:51 -0000

This is driving me nuts! I've had to abandon a couple of ZPT forms and
go back to DMTL to get a project finished.

I tried Evan's suggestion of a script to validate the form
(http://groups.yahoo.com/group/zpt/message/103) but it blows up on the
except line and is unable to find that object. It's just a script,
right? Not an external method?

If I just try an except I then get a blow up in the ZPT with the error
object not being found.


So, I've tired the other suggestion which gets me further. I've got a
DMTL method ripped right out of the howto to validate the form. When
there is an error it returns a nice HTML string to throw into my error

However, when there is no error I'm unable to detect it:

<span tal:define="global my_err here/forward_form_validate" />
<span tal:condition="python:len(str(my_err))!=0" tal:omit-tag="">
'<span tal:replace="structure my_err"/>'

What might I be doing wrong? I've fiddled with many variations of
python:len(str(my_err))!=0 with no luck.

I'm running the latest 2.4 Zope and latest published ZPT.
