[ZPT] StyleSheets

Dieter Maurer dieter@handshake.de
Mon, 17 Dec 2001 21:22:29 +0100

Sam Collett writes:
 > <link rel="stylesheet"
 >         tal:attributes="src string:${here/absolute_url}/css/default.css"
 >         type="text/css">
 > The output is:
 > <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"
 >         src="http://localhost/Test/css/default.css">
 > However it does not seem to render the page correctly.
 > When I hard code:
 > <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" src="/Test/css/default.css">
 > it works.
This does not seem to be a ZPT problem but an "absolute_url" problem:

  apparently, it gets the "SERVER_URL" wrong.

What do you see, when you let your browser resolve a relative(!)
URL? "http://localhost:8080/...", "http://<hostname>/..."
or "http://localhost/<zope>/..."?

Do you use "SiteRoot" or "SiteAccess"?
