[ZPT] Are PT's ZCatelog Aware? - Now: Subclassing ZPT's

Lynn Walton waltonl@franklin.edu
Wed, 04 Jul 2001 15:51:24 -0500


Thanks for the opinions. I must admit this is discouraging to me. At least
to hear that the ZCatalog and related stuff is tricking and somewhat
broken.  One of several reasons I chose zope is because of the automatic
indexing abilities.   It seems to me that if PageTemplates are to be a
viable replacement for DTML documents, then being able to be cataloged for
indexing is a must. Otherwise your saying that any site choosing ZPT over
DTML has to give up being searchable? That's not going to be acceptable for
my site and I would guess not for many other sites either.

I'm willing to put in a fair amount of work to make this happen, but if it's
really not feasible, it makes me wonder if I should give up on ZPT and go
back to DTML. I'd hate to do that.  Don't you see it as a necessary built-in
feature of ZPT?  Did you have any plans to include it down the road?

And perhaps the Zope book is giving too rosy a picture of ZCatalog, if it
has the problems you're aluding to that make you leary of it?  Can you
expand on what/when/why you concluded that the CatalogAware mixin was
somewhat broken? Don't mean to be a pest, but now I seem at the edge of
having to make a  decision, of trying to write classes to make ZPT's
searchable, or settle for DTML instead, and I want to make an informed


Evan Simpson wrote:

> From: "Lynn Walton" <waltonl@babbage.franklin.edu>
> > So, I got a little scared that there may be some
> > reasons to avoid making your own subclasses of a PT.
> Not at all, it's just not the first solution I would recommend to
> someone whose experience with modifying Zope at that level is unknown to
> me, when there was a simple workaround.
> > Can I ask 1) how many others using PT's have subclassed to get
> additional
> > things like properties or ZCatalog awareness.
> > 2) What would be the downsides?
> I would be more concerned about ZCatalog awareness itself.  It's fairly
> tricky, and the old CatalogAware mixin is somewhat broken.
> Cheers,
> Evan @ digicool