[ZPT] Forms and Zcatalog

Evan Simpson evan@digicool.com
Mon, 16 Jul 2001 12:10:53 -0400

Tim Fouracre wrote:

> <div tal:define="b_start python:path('request/b_start') or 0;
>                 results python:container.zope.ZopeCatalog(popular=0);
>                 Batch python:modules['ZTUtils'].Batch;
>                 global batch python:Batch(results, 2, int(b_start),orphan=1)"
>        tal:replace="nothing"></div>
>  <tr tal:repeat="item batch">
>    <td>
>     <a tal:attributes="href string:${here/message}?body=${item/body}"  
> href="whats this?">
>     <b tal:content="item/subject">Subject</b>
>     </a>
>    </td>
> <tr tal:repeat="item batch"> makes the batching work fine, however the 
> searching doesn't work (instead all records are displayed)

What if you define 'results' as 'container/zope/ZopeCatalog', instead of 
using the Python expression?

>> It looks fine to me.  What actually gets inserted as the href value,
>> when you view the raw HTML of the generated page?
> Just had a look and actually nothing does, i thought "whats this?" was 
> supposed to. Is this something to do with why it doesn't work as it 
> still doesn't work :/

The 'href' attribute has a blank value? Isn't there at all?


Evan @ digicool