[ZPT] CVS: Packages/TAL - DummyEngine.py:1.27 HTMLTALParser.py:1.28 TALDefs.py:1.23 TALGenerator.py:1.48 TALInterpreter.py:1.56 TALParser.py:1.15

evan@cvs.baymountain.com evan@cvs.baymountain.com
Mon, 23 Jul 2001 11:46:13 -0400

Subject: CVS: Packages - DummyEngine.py:1.27 HTMLTALParser.py:1.28 TALDefs.py:1.23 TALGenerator.py:1.48 TALInterpreter.py:1.56 TALParser.py:1.15
To: zope-checkins@zope.org

Update of /cvs-repository/Packages/TAL
In directory cvs.zope.org:/tmp/cvs-serv19743

Modified Files:
	DummyEngine.py HTMLTALParser.py TALDefs.py TALGenerator.py 
	TALInterpreter.py TALParser.py 
Log Message:
Add the tal:omit_tag statement.
Make elements obey the XML rule: attributes without explicit namespaces are in the same namespace as the tag. As a corollary, TAL output with markup removed also removes tags that are in the TAL and METAL namespace.

 [debug - name:Packages, repo:Packages/TAL, fn:TALParser.py
====== Updated Packages/TALParser.py, 1.14 => 1.15 ======

 [debug - name:Packages/TAL, repo:Packages/TAL, fn:TALParser.py
====== Updated Packages/TAL/TALParser.py, 1.14 => 1.15 ======