[ZPT] RE: Should tal:content keep surrounding tags?

Evan Simpson evan@digicool.com
Sat, 2 Jun 2001 15:00:57 -0500

From: "Wade Leftwich" <wade@lightlink.com>
> I endorse Brad Clements' remark: "I still need a way to have a repeat
> does NOT include the enclosing element." This is extra important when
> building XML.

HTML code should really use 'span' and 'div' -- that's what they're for.
I can understand the problem with XML, though.  I wonder if this
problem, and a few others, would be solved by having TAL omit the
beginning and ending for "tal:block" tags (and assume the 'tal:'
namespace!).  Thusly:

  <tal:block repeat="thing things">
    <thing tal:content="thing">Thing</thing>
    <thing tal:content="string:Other $thing">Other Thing</thing>


    <thing>First Thing</thing>
    <thing>Other First Thing</thing>
    <thing>Second Thing</thing>
    <thing>Other Second Thing</thing>

XML editors shouldn't have too much trouble with this.


Evan @ digicool