[ZPT] CVS: Packages/TAL - test_htmltalparser.py:1.21

fred@digicool.com fred@digicool.com
Fri, 8 Jun 2001 16:57:41 -0400 (EDT)

Update of /cvs-repository/Packages/TAL/tests
In directory korak.digicool.com:/tmp/cvs-serv20706/tests

Modified Files:
Log Message:

Update the one instance of affected bytecode to reflect the pre-rendering
of "normal" attributes.

--- Updated File test_htmltalparser.py in package Packages/TAL --
--- test_htmltalparser.py	2001/06/08 14:19:25	1.20
+++ test_htmltalparser.py	2001/06/08 20:57:40	1.21
@@ -389,7 +389,7 @@
                'name': 'bar', 'href': 'foo'},)),
             ('startTag', ('a',
              [('href', 'foo', 'replace', '$string:http://www.zope.org$'),
-              ('name', 'bar'),
+              ('name', 'name="bar"'),
                'href string:http://www.zope.org; x string:y', 'tal'),
               ('x', None, 'insert', '$string:y$')])),