[ZPT] ZPT object called with keywords and pick them up
Peter Bengtsson
Tue, 19 Jun 2001 15:04:20 +0200
When calling a DTML * from Python you pass the 'self', REQUEST, and a free
keyword argument and the DTML* can pick it up.
<for example>
displayname.__call__(self, parent, REQUEST, RESPONSE, name='Peter')
</for example>
That's in Python. To do the same in DTML would be:
<dtml-let name="'Peter'">
<dtml-var displayname>
How is it with ZPT?
We had a working setup with DTML and one of the called DTML objects was::
<dtml-var name>
And I replaced this with <div tal:replace="here/name">
But that did no longer work.
It might be written in the Wikis but I could do with a little headstart.
Where do you pick up these kind of variables in Page Templates
best regards, Peter