[ZPT] mangled source
Jason Byron
Sat, 23 Jun 2001 13:18:19 -0700 (PDT)
> > Is there some way to keep zpt from adding newlines where
> there
> > were none before?
> >
> > something like this:
> > <td tal:content="here/blah/blah">text</td>
> >
> > ends up like:
> > <td
> > tal:content="here/blah/blah">text</td>
> >
> > after it's saved.
> Ah, the wrapping feature. We do this because the HTML/XML
> parsers
> don't tell us where and what the whitespace in the source is.
> To turn
> it off, edit TAL/TALInterpreter.py and change "wrap=60" to
> "wrap=0" in
> TALInterpreter.__init__()'s parameter list. Then a tag will
> always be
> on one line, no matter how long it is...
That makes sense, but why does parsing need to change the source
when I simply save the template in Zope? I can see the output
changing on rendering, but why when it's saved? Sure, you
should parse the text for errors, but leave the original text as
it was and add an error message. Or does the text need to be
parsed to be allowed to be saved?
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