[Zpt] DW 4 and ZPT...

Martijn Pieters mj@digicool.com
Fri, 9 Mar 2001 14:57:11 +0100

On Fri, Mar 09, 2001 at 08:34:19AM -0500, Todd Coram wrote:
> Ugh. I can't seem to get DW 4 to *munge* my TAL markup. This should be
> good news, but given the macromedia newsgroup thread regarding how DW 4
> is broken in regards to XHTML (especially namespaces), this is annoying
> me.
> Let's assume, for the moment, that ZPT *doesn't* care about XHTML (it
> only cares that the elements with TAL/METAL attributes are well formed).
> Let's also assume that Dreamweaver users craft pretty well formed HTML
> (end tags on everything) and they are NOT trying to do XHTML/XML. If DW
> doesn't muck with the following chunk of HTML, then life is good, right?
> <html xmlns:tal="http://xml.zope.org/namespaces/tal"
>        xmlns:metal="http://xml.zope.org/namespaces/metal"
>        metal:use-macro="here/StandardLookAndFeel/macros/master">
> <head>
> <title>Untitled Document</title>
> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
> </head>
>    <body>
>      <div metal:fill-slot="main">
>        <p>Welcome to the machine</p>
>        <p>Choose your type:</p>
>         <ul>
>           <li tal:repeat="type python:'digital', 'analog', 'organic'"> 
>            <a href="dummy"
>               tal:attributes="href string:/mach/$type"
>               tal:insert="type">selection</a>
>           </li> 
>         </ul>
>      </div>
>    </body>
>  </html>

ZPT will not eat this (at the moment) because the <meta> tag isn't closed
or marked as empty (/>).

Further, you need a <!DOCTYPE> declaration if you want to use HTML
specific entity notations, otherwise you'll get a 'enitity undefined'

There is nothing to mange here for DW, but as soon as you start using
boolean attributes (like <hr noshade>) DW will mess it up for you. Also, I
seem to recall having had problems with adding an XML prolog, but I can't
remember if it was the XML declaration or the DOCTYPE that then caused DW
to claim my document was malformed.

Martijn Pieters
| Software Engineer  mailto:mj@digicool.com
| Digital Creations  http://www.digicool.com/
| Creators of Zope   http://www.zope.org/