[Zpt] DW 4 and ZPT...

Martijn Pieters mj@digicool.com
Fri, 9 Mar 2001 15:17:39 +0100

On Fri, Mar 09, 2001 at 09:12:45AM -0500, Todd Coram wrote:
> > ZPT will not eat this (at the moment) because the <meta> tag isn't closed
> > or marked as empty (/>).
> Oops. Right. Thanks.
> > There is nothing to mange here for DW, but as soon as you start using
> > boolean attributes (like <hr noshade>) DW will mess it up for you. Also, I
> > seem to recall having had problems with adding an XML prolog, but I can't
> > remember if it was the XML declaration or the DOCTYPE that then caused DW
> > to claim my document was malformed.
> Yes. I know. But, the big question is: If ZPT doesn't care about XML (which
> has been a point of discussion for 1.0), we only require 2 things of clients
> like DW:
> 1. They should not remove end tags. If it changes <p /> into <p></p>, this
> is okay. But it shouldn't remove any end tags explicitely put in by the
> user. Anytime a TAL attribute is found, the element it is found in is
> expected to be well formed (or at least properly closed).
> 2. They shouldn't touch our namespaced attribute markup. <abc
> tal:xyz="something" /> shouldn't be munged.
> Regarding boolean attributes, I don't think we have any semantically legal
> constructs of the form tal:name="".  We have a special keyword called
> 'nothing' , so tal:name="" should be spelled as tal:name="nothing".

Right, you want to make sure that DW will not mangle existing (ME)TAL
attributes. It won't.

I understand from this that you want to parse *only* those elements that
have (ME)TAL attributes defined, and namespace declarations (to recognize
what constitudes ME(TAL) attributes).

The only limitation I can then see is the use of special attributes on
tags that have boolean properties, like the aforementioned <hr noshade>

Martijn Pieters
| Software Engineer  mailto:mj@digicool.com
| Digital Creations  http://www.digicool.com/
| Creators of Zope   http://www.zope.org/