[Zpt] Things I miss..

Evan Simpson evan@digicool.com
Fri, 9 Mar 2001 14:57:52 -0600

From: "Shane Hathaway" <shane@digicool.com>
> Actually, I see no dependency on what we're calling Zope components.
> One would create an "iterator" object with settings that correspond to
> the arguments available for <dtml-in>; a similar procedure would exist
> for <dtml-tree>.
> I'm just surprised no one has written it yet. :-)

Jim has :-)

At least, he made a ZPT unit test that uses a special batching module, and
this module is AFAIK based on the actual dtml-in machinery.  We talked about
making it available in DTML, too.

<dtml-tree> is tougher, and may require special support.


Evan @ TX