[ZPT] CVS: Packages/TAL - test_htmltalparser.py:1.1
Mon, 19 Mar 2001 22:26:38 -0500 (EST)
Update of /cvs-repository/Packages/TAL/test
In directory korak:/tmp/cvs-serv4799
Added Files:
Log Message:
Test for the HTMLTALParser code generator.
--- Added File test_htmltalparser.py in package Packages/TAL ---
#! /usr/bin/env python1.5
"""Tests for the HTMLTALParser code generator."""
import pprint
import sys
import utils
import unittest
from TAL import HTMLTALParser
class HTMLTALParserTestCases(unittest.TestCase):
def _run_check(self, source, program, macros={}):
parser = HTMLTALParser.HTMLTALParser()
got_program, got_macros = parser.getCode()
assert got_program == program, got_program
assert got_macros == macros, got_macros
def _get_check(self, source, xxx=None):
parser = HTMLTALParser.HTMLTALParser()
got_program, got_macros = parser.getCode()
def check_code_simple_identity(self):
self._run_check("""<html a='b' b="c" c=d><title>My Title</html>""", [
('setPosition', (1, 0)),
('rawtext', '<html a="b" b="c" c="d">'),
('setPosition', (1, 22)),
('rawtext', '<title>My Title</title></html>'),
def check_code_implied_list_closings(self):
self._run_check("""<ul><li><p><p><li></ul>""", [
('setPosition', (1, 0)),
('rawtext', '<ul>'),
('setPosition', (1, 4)),
('rawtext', '<li>'),
('setPosition', (1, 8)),
('rawtext', '<p/>'),
('setPosition', (1, 11)),
('rawtext', '<p/></li>'),
('setPosition', (1, 14)),
('rawtext', '<li/></ul>'),
self._run_check("""<dl><dt><dt><dd><dd><ol><li><li></ol></dl>""", [
('setPosition', (1, 0)),
('rawtext', '<dl>'),
('setPosition', (1, 4)),
('rawtext', '<dt/>'),
('setPosition', (1, 8)),
('rawtext', '<dt/>'),
('setPosition', (1, 12)),
('rawtext', '<dd/>'),
('setPosition', (1, 16)),
('rawtext', '<dd>'),
('setPosition', (1, 20)),
('rawtext', '<ol>'),
('setPosition', (1, 24)),
('rawtext', '<li/>'),
('setPosition', (1, 28)),
('rawtext', '<li/></ol></dd></dl>'),
def check_code_implied_table_closings(self):
self._run_check("""<p>text <table><tr><th>head <tr><td>cell """
"""<table><tr><td>cell <tr>""", [
('setPosition', (1, 0)),
('rawtext', '<p>text</p> '),
('setPosition', (1, 8)),
('rawtext', '<table>'),
('setPosition', (1, 15)),
('rawtext', '<tr>'),
('setPosition', (1, 19)),
('rawtext', '<th>head</th></tr> '),
('setPosition', (1, 28)),
('rawtext', '<tr>'),
('setPosition', (1, 32)),
('rawtext', '<td>cell '),
('setPosition', (1, 41)),
('rawtext', '<table>'),
('setPosition', (1, 48)),
('rawtext', '<tr>'),
('setPosition', (1, 52)),
('rawtext', '<td>cell</td></tr> '),
('setPosition', (1, 61)),
('rawtext', '<tr/></table></td></tr></table>'),
self._run_check("""<table><tr><td>cell """
"""<table><tr><td>cell </table></table>""", [
('setPosition', (1, 0)),
('rawtext', '<table>'),
('setPosition', (1, 7)),
('rawtext', '<tr>'),
('setPosition', (1, 11)),
('rawtext', '<td>cell '),
('setPosition', (1, 20)),
('rawtext', '<table>'),
('setPosition', (1, 27)),
('rawtext', '<tr>'),
('setPosition', (1, 31)),
('rawtext', '<td>cell</td></tr> </table></td></tr></table>'),
def check_code_bad_nesting(self):
def check(self=self):
self._run_check("<a><b></a></b>", [])
self.assertRaises(HTMLTALParser.NestingError, check)
def check_code_attr_syntax(self):
output = [
('setPosition', (1, 0)),
('rawtext', '<a b="v" c="v" d="v" e="e"/>'),
self._run_check("""<a b='v' c="v" d=v e>""", output)
self._run_check("""<a b = 'v' c = "v" d = v e>""", output)
self._run_check("""<a\nb\n=\n'v'\nc\n=\n"v"\nd\n=\nv\ne>""", output)
self._run_check("""<a\tb\t=\t'v'\tc\t=\t"v"\td\t=\tv\te>""", output)
def check_code_attr_values(self):
"""<a b='xxx\n\txxx' c="yyy\t\nyyy" d='\txyz\n'>""",
[('setPosition', (1, 0)),
'<a b="xxx\012\011xxx" c="yyy\011\012yyy" d="\011xyz\012"/>')])
self._run_check("""<a b='' c="" d=>""", [
('setPosition', (1, 0)),
('rawtext', '<a b="" c="" d=""/>'),
def check_code_attr_entity_replacement(self):
# we expect entities *not* to be replaced by HTLMParser!
self._run_check("""<a b='&><"''>""", [
('setPosition', (1, 0)),
('rawtext', '<a b="&><"\'"/>'),
self._run_check("""<a b='\"'>""", [
('setPosition', (1, 0)),
('rawtext', "<a b='\"'/>"),
self._run_check("""<a b='&'>""", [
('setPosition', (1, 0)),
('rawtext', '<a b="&"/>'),
self._run_check("""<a b='<'>""", [
('setPosition', (1, 0)),
('rawtext', '<a b="<"/>'),
def check_code_attr_funky_names(self):
self._run_check("""<a a.b='v' c:d=v e-f=v>""", [
('setPosition', (1, 0)),
('rawtext', '<a a.b="v" c:d="v" e-f="v"/>'),
## def check_code_pcdata_entityref(self):
## self._get_check(""" """, [
## ('rawtext', ' '),
## ])
def test_suite():
suite = unittest.TestSuite()
suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(HTMLTALParserTestCases, "check_"))
return suite
if __name__ == "__main__":
errs = utils.run_suite(test_suite())
sys.exit(errs and 1 or 0)