[ZPT] Formatting strings and more motivation needed

Peter Bengtsson mail@peterbe.com
Mon, 7 May 2001 16:14:56 +0200

1st Q.

Maybe I'm blind or again lazy but I havent yet found out how to string

The old DTML way...

<dtml-var birthday fmt="%A %d/%m - %Y">
<dtml-var "bobobase_modification_time().strftime('%A %d/%m - %Y')">
<dtml-var price thousands_commas>

Here is one way of doing: <h3><dtml-var document_title capitalize></h3>
    <h3 tal:define="title template/title"
(pretty lengthy)

2nd Q.

I'm loosing my motivation on ZPT :(.
One cool thing I like about ZPT is the "The ambiguities caused by DTML's
implicit namespace stack are absent." -- Jim @ IPC9
In the same presentation by Jim one of the first screens is reminding us
that DTML isn't too bad, but "is getting old".
The next step is saying how good ZPT is for use with Golive and WebDAV and
non-zope web designers (I.e. "loosers" :). Also clearly mentioned in Ethans

My question is: Why should me and my company choose to convert over to ZPT
rather than staying in well supported DTML? And what else is clearly better
with ZPT/TAL/TALES compared to DTML?
Considering that we never use Golive or Dreamweaver and that our Zope-zen is
good enough to be able to control all the namespace-in-one-pot-stuff.
(note the above pre-consideration is false, but what _if_ it was true)

I have read the WebSiteCreationStory
(http://www.zope.org/Wikis/DevSite/Projects/ZPT/WebSiteCreationStory) but I
need more!