[ZPT] how to include an HTML-fragment in a ZPT?

Roland Schätzle roland.schaetzle@adviion.de
Thu, 10 May 2001 15:17:13 +0200


this is perhaps a trivial question, but I haven't found a solution.

I have a Page Template in which I would like to include a HTLM document (or
a HTML fragment) which is located in the same directory like the Page
Template. The Page Template "myTemplate" looks like

<html xmlns:tal="http://xml.zope.org/namespaces/tal">
       <title tal:content="template/title">The title</title>
       <p tal:replace="here/aText.html">dummy</p>

an the intention is to include the file "aText.hml".

The "tal:replace" attribute which should include the HTML document
"aText.html" generates an error.

The only solution I found is
<p tal:content="text here/aText">dummy</p>
But in this case "aText" has also to be a Page Template.

Another variant I tested is
<p tal:replace="structure nocall:here/aText.html">dummy</p>
But here the literal HTML source is included in my document which is not
what I want.

Did I miss something?
