[ZPT] How do I...

Tony McDonald tony.mcdonald@ncl.ac.uk
Thu, 17 May 2001 08:06:04 +0100

I've gone through the archives, read the messages and scanned the Wiki.
I'm stuck.
I'm coming from a DTML background (and python) and trying to get a handle on
various things I'm used to doing in DTML.

If people could tell me how to do these two tasks, I'd be very happy.

1) I want to use the 'odd' path component to switch the background colour of
a table row. I have this at the moment;

<tr tal:attributes="bgcolor string:bogus${repeat/item/odd}"
    tal:repeat="item python:container.module_info(module_code='bgm')"
    bgcolor><td tal:content="repeat/item/index">index number</td><td
tal:content="item/module_code">module Code</td><td
tal:content="item/module_title">module title</td></tr>

(module_info is a ZSQL method)

Which yields this
<tr bgcolor="bogus0">
<td>0</td><td>BGM001</td><td>ME</td><td>Biochemistry for Medicinal and
Foundation Chemists</td></tr>
<tr bgcolor="bogus1">
<td>1</td><td>BGM100</td><td>ME</td><td>Biomolecules and Cell

What I'd like to do is have bogus0 = blue and bogus1 = red (or whatever).
What's the preferred way of doing this?

2) I'd also like to call the above PageTemplate from DTML, substituting the
module_code='bgm' above with module_code=modcode, and pass modcode into the
PageTemplate. I'm using this code;

tal:repeat="item python:container.module_info(module_code=request/modcode)"

Unfortunately the standard idiom

<dtml-var "mod_info(_.None,_,modcode='bgm')">

Returns an error:
Error Type: TALESError
Error Value: exceptions.NameError on modcode in ""

Can anyone tell me where I'm going wrong (on 2) and suggest how I can do

Dr Tony McDonald,  Assistant Director, FMCC, http://www.fmcc.org.uk/
The Medical School, Newcastle University Tel: +44 191 243 6140
A Zope list for UK HE/FE  http://www.fmcc.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/zope