[ZPT] METAL, fill-slot and define-macron in the same PT

Brad Clements bkc@murkworks.com
Thu, 31 May 2001 18:57:06 -0400

On 31 May 2001, at 16:23, Evan Simpson wrote:

> <table metal:define-macro="menu">
>   <tr tal:repeat="item in items">
>     <td><span tal:replace="repeat/item/index">1</span>
>             <span tal:replace="item">Item</span>
>     </td>
>   </tr>

I'm still looking for a way to have a tal:repeat that does NOT include the enclosing 


<span tal:repeat="item in items">
    <h1 tal:content="repeat/item/title">The title</h1>
    <p tal:content="repeat/item/description">The description</p><br />

The idea is that I don't want the outer <span> to be in the output, just

<h1>The title</h1>
<p>Descrption</p><br />

(bad example but you get the idea)