[ZPT] leaking PageTemplate Expressions
alan runyan
alan runyan" <runyaga@runyaga.com
Mon, 12 Nov 2001 17:56:56 -0600
experiencing leaks in:
are there any guidelines on what not to do to reframe from having leaks?
how can you produce leaks in ZPT? If these were documented and explained it
would be quite helpful. I am goign to try to track down my leaks. if you
declare a method and use it in your ZPT, will this cause a leak? not
calling into a method from ZPT but making a reference to a method and then
using that refernce to call the method?
Memory leakage is pretty scary stuff. is there anything I can do to help
diagnosis this? I will try to track it down later on this week.
a.. Zope version: (Zope 2.4.1 (binary release, python 2.1, win32-x86),
python 2.1.0, win32)
a.. Python version: 2.1 (#15, Apr 16 2001, 18:25:49) [MSC 32 bit (Intel)]
a.. System Platform: win32
a.. Process ID: 2220 (1860)
a.. Running for: 21 hours 4 min 45 sec