[ZPT] user variable and python products

Clint Brubakken cabrubak@inetic.com
10 Oct 2001 15:37:36 -0500

I've created a python product with some zpt pages, that are include by :
index_html = PageTemplateFile('www/index_html',globals())

I use a macro on this template that accesses the "user" variable. I get
a name error on user when the template is viewed, where the object is
stored .

When I wrapped all exprssions that access  with  <span
tal:condition="user | nothing"></span> it works

I am using zope 2.3.3 PT 1.4.0 and TALES 1.4.0


Clint Brubakken <cabrubak@inetic.com>
Programmer Analyst
Inetic Web Development
Black holes are where God divided by zero.