[ZPT] Expanded Macro Indentation

Geir Bækholt Geir Bækholt
Thu, 18 Oct 2001 23:30:05 +0200

Hello Michael, 

Thursday, October 18, 2001, 22:44:07, you wrote:


MRB> Ok, so have any proposals for fixing those problems been made? Are there
MRB> other open issues that haven't been addressed yet?

MRB> Michael.

I have pointed them out to this list at sevaral occasions , and added
them to the wiki when list feedback told me these were issues more
people wanted taken care of..

When i check the wiki [
http://www.zope.org/Wikis/DevSite/Projects/ZPT/ProposedChanges ] , i
see that "wholePageMacros" , which will fix the DOCTYPE issues are
still there , but any possible solution to ZPT creating HTML4 single
attributes and never XHTML compliant ones seems to have been lost on
the way.
A simple switch to the XML parser according to doctype could
be enough..
this has to be tested , though , - i believe there might be some
trouble with character entities defined in the XHTML DTD, but not part
of the XML core.

Geir Bækholt                       web-developer
geirh@funcom.com             funcom oslo | webdev-team