[ZPT] Expanded Macro Indentation

Geir Bækholt Geir Bækholt
Fri, 19 Oct 2001 13:37:53 +0200

Hello Michael, 

Friday, October 19, 2001, 13:30:51, you wrote:

MRB> Do the XHTML fully qualified attributes break any older browsers?

not any i know of , but i haven't tested any gen 3 browsers with it..

>> I ZPT , though ' they are hardcoded in the source as getting special
>> treatment , and any values passed to them with tal:attributes are
>> evaluated as a boolean expression, setting them on or off. (someone
>> correct me if i ma wrong here). The boolean behaviour is a cool
>> concept, but they still break the spec in the output.

MRB> So ZPT will take a fully qualified attribute, and either convert it to a
MRB> singleton or remove it, correct?



>> Just a minor nuisance , of course , but there are plenty of them.
>> (structured-text , for example , produces uppercase tables.. ) I'll
>> try to root them all out soon , and compile a nice list of what ought
>> to (in my opinion) be patched.

MRB> Lists are good. Just don't write it down as a tuple, because those are
MRB> immutable. :-)

hehe.. yeah , that's right ; i'll make sure i keep it as a list

Geir Bækholt                       web-developer
geirh@funcom.com             funcom oslo | webdev-team